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The Best Anti-Aging Tips Regardless of Your Age

Pictured left to right: age 17 and 39. I look younger approaching middle age than I did in high school, and almost daily I get asked what do I do to look like I’m 20.

1. Firstly, my mom looks young, so genetics is a key factor. I’m Asian and therefore my lack of a prominent brow bone, flatter facial contours, and round cheeks are reminiscent of a baby, which contributes to a younger appearance.

2. I’ve worn sunscreen daily, without fail, for over 20 years. Exposure to the sun is the number one cause of premature aging.

3. I’ve used a beta-hydroxy acid exfoliant (Paula’s Choice 2% BHA) several times a week since the age of 16.

4. I have had an anti-inflammatory lifestyle since high school, consuming no alcohol, minimal amounts of red meat, and not overeating. It wasn’t necessarily a conscious effort, more so because I couldn’t digest red meat well, I’m allergic to alcohol, and I had good satiety cues. I ate when hungry and stopped when full. Inflammation is the cause of disease and aging in the body.

5. I’ve always maintained a calm demeanor and a positive attitude regardless of the circumstances. I don’t let stress or negativity eat at me, which elevates cortisol hormone levels and inflammation in the body.

6. I stick to low to moderate exercise activities, such as biking, walking, swimming, all of which are less prone to injury.

7. My diet has become much healthier in the past few years compared to my youth. I eat much more fruits and vegetables and legumes that are nutrient-dense and much less fast food. I don’t crave donuts, candy, or burgers anymore. I don’t restrict myself, rather everything in moderation and I mindfully enjoy what I am eating. For example, a typical day’s breakfast: coffee, greek yogurt or chia pudding, berries, kiwis, or banana. Lunch: mung beans with quinoa. Snacks: flax crackers and hummus, and some chocolate. Supper: chicken curry with potatoes, carrots, onion, and rice. Dessert: some ice cream or chocolate.

8. I do my best to minimize toxins that can accumulate in the body, such as BPAs or pesticides or advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). I avoid using plastic containers and use glassware, try to consume organic produce when possible, and minimize consumption of fried/barbecued/processed foods.

9. I have been mindful to not take my body for granted. In our old age, we start to experience disease from the long term abuse of our youth - heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. It’s a complex myriad of lifestyle factors from a lifetime of small choices. Respect the body, it’s the only one you have.

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