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How to Use Castor Oil for Hair Growth

In most cases, castor oil is used for hair growth. For this oil should be applied on dry hair roots and scalp, put a shower cap on, cover the head with a towel and let the oil work on hair for 30 minutes. Since castor oil is quite viscous consistency and is not so easy to wash it away, you can first wash your hair with any hair conditioner, and only apply shampoo. This greatly simplifies the process.

To enhance the properties of the mask in the castor oil you can add ground chilli pepper. But this mask should be kept on the scalp to 30 minutes. If a strong burning came first, the oil should be washed off to prevent burns. The thermal effect that gives red pepper, enhances blood flow to the scalp and improves absorption of castor oil.

For moistening the hair over the entire length and treatment of split ends castor oil is applied to the hair and is kept for 2 hours. In the most severe cases, you can keep the cator oil on hair for the whole night. After these procedures, the hair will be soft, silky and shiny.

Do not think that castor oil is not suitable for oily hair and scalp. On the contrary, it moisturizes the skin and reduce sebum production. That hair does not weigh down and not look greasy and unkempt, it is only necessary to wash off the oil carefully.

To strengthen the hair growth should be carefully rubbed the oil into the scalp and wrap a towel. A few hours later you can wash your hair with shampoo. Repeat this procedure three times a week, while improving the condition of the hair will not be noticeable. Later, castor oil is desirable to rub into the scalp 2 times a month, it is necessary to maintain a healthy condition of your hair. While rubbing oil all its nutritional properties are absorbed by the scalp and nourish the hair follicle.

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