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What’s an angel skull?

what is an angel skull ?

The Angel Skull is a female skull that many beautiful women possess where the midface and lower jaw project out with a long, taut submental region.

Here are some examples of women with angel skulls:

So now that you know how an angel skull looks like, you might ask yourself, what am I supposed to change in order to get this kind of structure?

Well, using an "angel skull" subliminal will give it all to you, but first you have to understand the anatomy of an angel skull, I will list down all the benefits you will get from using such a sub.

Head benefits:

  • you will get a proportional , smaller and perfect head , so basically , it'll reduce your chin if you find it a bit longer than it's supposed to be , and it will also give you a smaller forehead ( 1/3 of your face )
  • you will possess a smaller face to the neurocranium ratio : The neurocranium is a protective shell surrounding the brain and brain stem , so a smaller face to it will give you a result similar to this one :

Face benefits:

you will get an attractive midface and maxilla that projects forward and upward , in case you don't have a large knowledge concerning the skull anatomy, here is the maxilla :

Perfect and high zygomatic bones that will provide you beautiful and prominent cheekbones ( zygomatic bones) :

You will also obtain a symetrical and attractive lower face with a chin projecting as far as the forehead, a defined and slim chin along with a projecting, tight, taut and sharp jawline that makes the perfect angle with your neck .

With this, it will also give you aligned teeth and a perfect dental occlusion.

Nose benefits:

You will get a slim and thin nose, an upturned tip with a 120° nasomental angle, which means you will own a symetrical, proportional and small nose that takes 1/3 of your face.

(it will also smothen your nose bridge and get rid of any hump!)

a concave philtrum: a concave philtrum is a slightly curved one inward, it can add a pretty touch into your features and highlight your lips better, you can compare a convex and concave philtrum by yourself in these pictures:

to summarize, having an angel skull provides you a perfect head and face with proportional lower face, mid face and forehead along with an attractive nose .

Isn't it cool?

Now, I'm going to explain how you can use an angel skull subliminal.

  • Uou can add it into your Playlist in order to make It shorter, for example: you can use an angel skull sub instead of multiple subs to get a smaller forehead, nose ... ect.
  • Also, you can add after that some other subs to enhance your beauty even more, it can be a body sub, an eye colour sub, a hair sub, a personality sub .. or all of those together? Hihi why not uwu.
  • Now that your playlist is ready, Stay loyal to it please! And drink a lot of water, please don't neglect this part, imagine that you are clay, and in order to sculpt yourself, you need to soften it up with water!
  • Help your skull out! Practice mewing and breath by your nose, avoid breathing with your mouth as much as possible please!
  • Raise your angelic vibrations sweetie, associate yourself with anything angelic you find, listen to music that reminds you of your goals, meditate on your ideal results and last but not least; visualize!
(we've came to an end my pretty people ♡ I hope I was able to enlighten you a bit concerning the subject and I'm really sorry if it was confusing TT, I don't own the pictures tho, credits to owners).
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