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Can Already Formed Wrinkles Be Erased Naturally?

We asked a few people how to Can Already Formed Wrinkles Be Erased Naturally? and this is their answer.

1. Luisa Fanzani, Cosmetic chemist


If this were the case, then the only ones with wrinkles would be the people that don’t know the “magic ingredient”. Wrinkles are a common affliction, and are bothersome to many, so if there were a natural (and cheap!) and effective solution to “erase” wrinkles, then the only people with them would be those poor uninformed individuals that weren’t let in on the secret!

For the rest of us, there is Botox, medical grade skin care to build collagen, and laser resurfacing procedures to improve wrinkles.

2. Amy Green, Psychologist

No, that isn’t possible, unfortunately. Once the wrinkles are there you can’t really erase them; if there was a product that made them go away like that, everyone would use it and nobody would have wrinkles ever. (I am guessing with “naturally” you mean without the use of plastic surgery.)

You cannot make wrinkles disappear, BUT you can get decent results Retinol. Avoid buying generic anti aging products as the overwhelming majority doesn’t work.

Retinol helps visibly diminish the look of fine lines and wrinkles, increase the appearance of firmness, improve uneven skin tone, smooth and refine the surface of skin, and help mitigate the effects of environmental stressors. It is a great anti aging active ingredient, there is scientific proof it works, and it has been used for a long time for that purpose.

The problem is, not all products on the market are formulated in a way that allows Retinol to be effective. First, when making a purchase, make sure the product is packaged in a dark airless/airtight container.

Second, choose something that clearly states the % of Retinol (at least 0.4%). Lastly, for more remarkable results, make sure Retinol is not the only active ingredient in the product (for example the association with niacin is highly beneficial).

Hope this helped!

3. Emma Mayer, Skin Care Specialist

Unfortunately, no amount of supplements, dietary changes, hydration or facial exercises can undo the wrinkles. You must understand that wrinkles are skin folds which are created due to loss of skin’s ability to bounce back to normal state after being stretched for years to form facial expressions.

Another reason wrinkles are formed is due to the loss of fat under the skin due to the natural ageing process. Your body just loses the power to rejuvenate itself as you age no matter how rich resources you supplement it with. Therefore wrinkles are part of natural ageing and you can delay them but not remove or reduce them by natural ways.

Your only options are that would actually work are surgery on non-surgical wrinkle reduction procedures. Since you were looking for natural ways, I will believe you are not interested in surgery at all. I will encourage you to look into non-surgical wrinkle reduction options.

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