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How To Get Better Looking Skin?

Okay, I am not young (47) and it is my story I want to share with you together with a dermatologist’s advice I read earlier, which surprisingly was just what I did naturally.

My skin is very good I have no other wrinkles than the crow feets and a light line between my eyes, which is not too visible.

I am not a kind of woman who loves make up and dressing up too much, I would say I am more on the natural side. If I choose make up, it is a lipliner and a lipstick in the summer and perhaps a foundation and some blush added in winter.

But most days I run around without make-up.

And here is my starting point: those, who use less or no make up, have healthier skins. Why? Make up burdens down the skin, fills your pores and your skin cannot really breathe.

So, the less make up and the healthier skin you will have.

Oh, just one thing: if you have serious internal problems, servical or psychological, many of them sadly causes severe skin problems. So, I speak for those who are more or less healthy.

I hate cosmetics, creams and all those things that you put on your skin including suntan lotion.

I do not use a cleansing milk or some such thing nor a toner, I only wash my face with water when I shower. I definitely do not use soap it dries my skin, well, it dries anyone’s skin.

I have a simple moisturiser, you may laugh, many times it is not even a lotion but a hand cream. I find that my skin is sensitive and hates most sophisticated creams and lotions and moisturisers but it likes a few types of different hand creams. Of course, I sometimes have Ponds, Lancome or Occidental and they are amazing, too, well, even better.

I have mixed skin so it shines on the cheekbones, forehead and nose, how annoying. When I use make up I make sure to matte them.

Basically, this is all I do for my skin, and of course, I do not smoke.

Oh, yes, I do love the sunshine but only in small dosage. I start sun tan in the spring for shorter and later a bit longer time but hardly ever stay more than half an hour out in the sun! This way I need no sun tan lotion nor any remedy agaisnt burning I never have that problem. I like being out early in the morning when the sun is already up but not yet hot in the summer, and late in the evening after 6 pm, if it is too hot then after 8. In the spring it is different, I love the sun anytime but only as long as I do not feel it is burning. This way my skin remained in excellent condition. Those who know me, see what a good skin I have.

Now, what the dermatologist said: she said that the less we aggravate the skin with products the better. She said not to wash it with soap and not use tonic it is useless. She said a good moisteriser is important but nothing else, much.

She warned against smoking and alcohol and using heavy make up, too. She said that if we do, we have to remove it before bed because many people do not do that.

She said tanning is bad for the skin we should not expose our sin to the direct sun.

So, she advised basically the things I have already done and practiced all my life. I have to tell you I was so pleased.

I am afraid I do not remember her name nor the article, sadly, so you have to take my word for it, or make a research and you may find her, too.

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