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How To POP Big, Painful Pimples?

We asked a few people how to What should you DO while popping pimples? and this is their answer.

1. Jill Hunt, Stage Actor

It's tempting, but popping or squeezing a pimple won't necessarily get rid of the problem. Squeezing can push bacteria and pus deeper into the skin, which might cause more swelling and redness. Squeezing also can lead to scabs and might leave you with permanent pits or scars. Namely, salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Salicylic acid will help unclog your pore while the benzoyl peroxide will fight the bacteria growing inside. Apply a dab of this spot treatment to your pimple before going to bed and leave it on overnight.

2. Nettie Morris, healthcare professional

You just do NOT pop it !!

A really bad idea.

It will worsen and complicate things and sure will you invite long lasting troubles for face/skin.

You can apply these overnight:

  • 1. Ice the pimple in 5-10 minutes interval for as long as it takes to reduce.
  • 2. Toothpaste
  • 3. Turmeric paste (very effective, might take a night or two)
  • 4. A slice of chopped Garlic
  • 5. Clay mask
  • 6. Sandal and Neem paste can be applied and left overnight.

If you are a female, there might be stress-related and/or hormonal issues (relating to menstruation). In that case you should absolutely refrain from touching it and consult a doctor be it a dermatologist or a gynecologist.

3. Benjamin Colin, Self Employed

I had big ugly ones! YECH! LOL I used to pop the pimples with a sewing needle, heated over a flame, held by a pair of pliers to sterilize it. Apply a hot cloth to the pimple to make it raise a bit and POP! Squeeze out the pus, dab with alcohol, apply a small band-aid. Found out later that what I was eating on a daily basis caused my pimple problem.

4. Tracey Wolfe, Board-Certified Dermatologist

First do not touch it. Wash your hands and see where it is, measuring to see if any white or yellowish spot has bulged, ready to be popped. If none, and just bulged in red, consult your physician or dermatologist. Personally, if this costs money, I would just reduce consumptions on fried stuff or avoid unhealthy food to reduce the chance of even having this situation.

Also, keep a product in handy to do a good washing each day and night while measuring to see if you have oily skin. It takes less effort to building good habits to building a beautiful skin than to recover your lost and eroded skin.

5. Bonnie Simpson, I work for a dermatologist and know about skin care

Squeezing big acne pimples spreads the pus deep into the skin and increases the risk of scarring and prolongs the time of healing.

A better way to get rid of these painful pimples is to use pimple absorbing patches. These small medicated round band-aids, also called hydrocolloid patches are made of the same material that doctors use in hospitals for hard to treat chronic skin ulcers.

These micro bandages absorb pus and oil from the inflamed pimple and create an acidic environment that prevents bacterial growth. Using these bandages for a few hours, over a few days will usually reduce the size and redness often pimples without increasing the risk of scaring.

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