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Good Ways To Age Well And Avoid or Minimize Wrinkles as You Get Older?

We asked a few people how to What are good ways to age well and avoid or minimize wrinkles as you get older? and this is their answer.

1. Michelle Morales, Certified Personal Trainer

  • SUNSCREEN. Every single day, even if its couldy, UV rays are still coming at you. Invest in a good one for you face and your body.
  • MOISTURIZER. Apply this 20 minutes after your sunscreen. everyday.
  • GET SOME SLEEP. Good sleep, not 4 hours maybe 6. 8-10 if you can.
  • EXERCISE. The glow of a strong body and reduced stress levels sure looks good. Good diet really goes without saying.

These are things you can start doing right now. BUT, I'd suggest looking to family. Especially your mom and grandmother and so on. Likelyhood is, if you're parents and siblings look older or younger than they actually are, you will too. Sometimes you can't do much about it, but doing all the things listed above will really help.

good luck!

2. Lisa Rodriguez, Health Educator

SPF is your BFF: Protecting your skin from free radical (sun exposure and environmental pollution) is key to a good anti-aging skincare regime. Always wear a good, mineral sunscreen whenever outside.

Cleanse & Detox: Cleanse morning and night with natural (Alcohol & SLS free) face wash.cleanser. Double cleanse if wearing makeup! Once a week give yourself a facial by steaming your (clean) face for ten mins, then exfoliate using a Alpha-Hydroxy Acid or Beta-Hydroxy Acid cleanser/exfoliator. Followed by a clay face mask.

Moisturise: Use the right serums, oils, day/night creams for your skin type. Be careful not to use serums and creams in the morning that contain photosensitive ingredients that can cause a reaction on your skin in sunlight. The right organic plant, seed or nut oils for your specific skin type can works wonders to help balance over oily/acne prone skin, hydrate dry/damaged skin and help fade hyper-pigmentation/melasma.

Drink lots of water!!

3. Gabrielle Richens, Beauty Blogger

It can be hard to find the best product for your skin type. I struggled with it for years. I was on the hunt for a good anti-aging serum. I finally found one from The Skin Spot. I read an article that suggested that company. I gave them a shot and loved the results. Their products work great for my skin, but they may not be for your skin.

I recommend researching to find the right product. There are lots of options out there, so be open-minded and ready to try different things. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

4. Stewart Dunphy, Freelancer

People from Asian countries - Typically Korea, China and Japan follow the absolute best practices when it comes to skincare and beauty.

One such practice that worked miracles for me is the ancient practice of using a Jade roller.
A staple in ancient Chinese medicine, it was used by Chinese empresses before it became the next big beauty tool on Instagram.

Just like a face roller, jade rollers have 2 stones of different sizes that roll on their axis; the bigger one can be used on your forehead and cheekbones while the smaller stone is handy for the under-eye area

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