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Do We Really Need Skin Care Products?

Are all those products really helping us, do we really need to be spending all that money and pilling a ton of stuff on our faces to keep our skin at its best.

1. Dorra Stephens, Software Engineer

Yes. If you want your skin to always look soft, supple and have balance of oil and moisture. If you want your skin to stay looking great into your later years- yes!!! I suggest find a good Esthetician she will give you some great recommendations that will fit your lifestyle and pocket book!

2. Nicole Taylor, Retired Veteran

Yes, We really need skincare products because if we will not use our skin will damage and become unhealthy. No glow, no clear, and acne-free skin. The proper skincare product is important because our skin is the largest barrier against infection that we have. Keeping our skin healthy and moist helps keep this barrier strong. Cracks in the skin make a person more prone to infection. Skincare products should be free of scents or perfumes.

The Skin Care Products You Really Need:

3. Antoine Lazewski, Business Manager

It all depends on your need and also the difference between need and want.
To the question do we need skin care products the same way we need water, sleep and food, obviously the answer is no. Humans have lived thousands of years without it.
However, to the question do we need skin care product the same way you need to take a shower and put on some clothes, I would say the answer is yes.
We need to protect ourself and the skin is our biggest organ so its care is paramount .
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