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Why Do I Get More Pimples After Using a Face Mask?

We asked a few people Why Do I Get More Pimples After Using a Face Mask? and this is their answer.

1. Damon Howze, Cosmetologist

There could be a few things that’s causing your breakouts.
  • The ingredients - some face masks have certain ingredients that cause breakouts because they may be clogging your pores.
  • You may have used the face mask wrong - there are certain instructions in different face masks. Sheet masks need preparation like cleaning your face first while some cream or clay masks can be applied without that extra step.
  • There may also be other factors aside from the mask that may have caused you to breakout like hormonal changes that occurred at the same time you used your mask.
  • Your skin may be getting used to the new product you’re using.

2. Sandra Vee, Senior Analyst

One of the main reasons why you get pimples after using a face mask can be due to the fact that all face masks remove all the oils and moisture from your face making it dry and more susceptible to pimples.

Another reason is that you might be using your face mask on a recently broke pimple, this will cause irritation on your skin around that pimple and hence you may get another breakout.

My advice to you would be to not use your face mask daily(use it weekly once), use it when you don’t have any broken pimple and do not let your face mask sit on your face for more than 15minutes.

If your skin condition gets any worse, please see your dermatologist as soon as possible.

3. Tanvir Hossain, Student

It's coz face pack rips skin off its natural moisture and cause an imbalance in the skin's pH. Try and not use any soap , face wash, face packs. Just wash face with cold water once or twice a day. You will notice a noticeable difference within a month. It's a guarantee. Do read about caveman regimen. I have cured my chronic acne of 13 years being on caveman. You won't believe but I have not washed my face with any soap or applied any cream or masks in the last 3 years and my skin is just perfect now.

4. Mary Alexander, former medical esthetician

The generic answer is, that the mask will remove built up oils and dirt from the skin. What the mask does is just that, so the pimples you experience is the dirt etc. I only use oils on my face and very rarely get pimples.

Using oils on your face doesn't cause the face to get oily, it corrects the imbalance of facial oils.

I suggest that after using a facial mask you wash your face with water to remove all traces and try using a oil, vitamin E, wheatgerm, the choice is your. Hope this helps.

5. Ana Mandić, former researcher

It's called purging. It’s actually good for skin. When you're purging it's gonna clear up the skin from the inside and you'll get a pimple hardly after purging. Usually it lasts for 2–3weeks if you could maintain this. You can get a clear smooth skin after purging. But you should know the difference between purging and breakout. Those are not the same and breakout isn't good for skin

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