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Why Should You Exfoliate Your Skin?

Because your skin needs it.

A lot of people never exfoliate, therefore some think that if so many people never bother it's because it isn't necessary.

Certainly nobody will force you to do it if you don't think it's useful, but if you want healthy skin you should definitely get started with it. It's easy and exfoliant products generally aren't that expensive.

Dead skin cells do not fall off your skin by themselves. You have two options: physical or chemical exfoliants.

Physical exfoliant are usually called scrubs and contain granules you need to massage on your skin in order to eliminate dead skin cells. If you choose this option I would suggest you to buy an alumina based exfoliant.

You can use alumina based exfoliants once or twice a week. It’s important you don’t do it too often to give time to skin cell to renew.

Chemical exfoliant are products that contain one or more acids (the most popular being glycolic acid, mandelic acid, and salicylic acid). Leave-on exfoliants gently remove built-up dull skin for a smoother surface, reduced fine lines, improved skin tone, and pore size reduction.

Hope this helps!

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