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The Secret To Having Soft and Glowing Skin?

Let's be honest here: a lot of people with soft and glowing skin are those who are blessed with good genes to begin with. It's a lot easier to have nice skin when you don't have acne or other skin issues, you have a normal skin type, etc.

However, it's not like those of us who were not blessed with good genes are doomed to have dull, rough skin. There are plenty of things we can do to improve our complexion.

Rather than giving you one key tip, the “secret” to having soft and glowing skin, I want to list different things you can do. It's never one thing that really changes it all, isn't it? It's a lot of small changes that pile up with time.

First, you need to take care of your diet and lifestyle in general. The skin is an organ you can see: if you eat poorly or drink/smoke regularly it will show on your face, and no skincare can fix that.

When it comes to food, after years of experimenting, these are the things that made a difference for me:

  1. Avoid as much as you can processed foods (especially meats).
  2. Drastically reduce the intake of sugar, including fructose derived from fruit. Eat fruits with lower amounts of sugar such as berries and avocados.
  3. Supplement your diet with collagen powder and astaxanthin.
  4. Reduce the amount of carbs. Increase vegetables intake.
  5. Reduce as much as possible or even eliminate dairy completely if you're willing to. Dairy is pretty bad for your skin.

When it comes to having soft skin exfoliation certainly plays a part. If you don't exfoliate dead skin cells will build up on your face, making your skin texture worse.

Exfoliation is often either overlooked or overdone. It makes no sense to exfoliate once a month, but you also shouldn't use a scrub every single day.

Another thing I have already written about a lot, but I want to keep repeating because there is always someone who wants to do that, is that you shouldn't try to create homemade scrubs with sugar or salt or whatever. You need perfectly round granules for a good scrub, and sugar or salt particles are NOT perfectly round. They have minuscule sharp edges that could harm your skin.

For glowing skin I would suggest you to use a hyaluronic acid serum. Hyaluronic acid gives the skin a beautiful glowing look.

Unfortunately not all products with hyaluronic acid are well formulated. I would probably say most products on the market only use it as a marketing ingredient, which means there isn't actually enough of a % in the formulation for it to be effective.

I know, it sucks. The cosmetic industry can often be deceiving.

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