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The Best Long Term Investment for Your Skin?

Before I mention any skincare products I want to specify that the best investment you can do for your skin in the long run is putting money into building a healthy life.

(Many of you already know this; however, many don't or while they do know this they prefer to ignore it. So for those who have heard all this before, bear with me.)

What you eat, how you sleep, and your lifestyle in general impact the health of your skin greatly. If you don't follow a good diet, stay away from harmful substances and so on, you won't get beautiful skin. The skin is an organ you can see, after all.

People think they can fix it all with expensive skincare, but that's a lie the cosmetic industry wants you to believe. Most expensive products aren't even that great to begin with…so if you're relying on them to save your skin that’s kinda not a good plan.

It's hard to let go of bad habits. In the process of changing your ways to go for a healthier lifestyle be patient with yourself, and be patient with your skin too. It most likely won't change overnight, so if you get discouraged because you don't see results you probably won't last enough to actually make a significant change.

Now that I have made this point as clear as I could, I would suggest you to invest in a hyaluronic acid serum and retinol if you already reached an age when you are concerned with aging gracefully (there is no need for retinol if you're 16!).

I have written about hyaluronic acid and retinol many times before. These are very well known active ingredients that are scientifically proven to be effective. They are 100% safe and have been used successfully in skincare for a long time.

Writing here all you need to know to make sure you buy good products (not all HA serums or retinol products are formulated in a way that makes them effective) would make this answer extremely long and I predict almost nobody would want to read it, so I’d rather give you the link to two different answers which explain what you need to know about these ingredients.

If you'd be interested in more information about a hyaluronic acid serum check out this answer: Does hyaluronic acid serum really work?

If you'd rather know about retinol check this one: Is retinol the best ingredient to fight wrinkles?

Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.

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