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Natural Ways To Exfoliate Your Skin?

I noticed some answers on google mentioning sugar and other natural products you could find in your house, and one even warning you against the dangers or “chemical loaded” products.

I am here to tell you: do not use sugar or similar things to exfoliate. This could hurt your skin. It's awful advice to tell people to use sugar and I wish people would stop spreading this.

Exfoliants such as sugar are are imperfectly rounded and have ridged edges that can leave minuscule scratches across the skin, causing irritation, congested pores, and swelling (!).

What to use instead: aluminum oxide (alumina) which has pure, perfectly round, and unobtrusive granules. This allows for a gentle exfoliation that leaves skin rejuvenated, refreshed, and renewed.

I know you wanted a natural option, but I’d rather give you an honest answer with effective advice than giving you what you asked for.

(You could use a chemical exfoliant instead of a scrub too, but given that you'd initially asked about natural ways I imagined this is not something you would be interested in…)

Oh, and for the person who told you to be wary of chemical products: all products are chemical, even if they claim they are 100% natural, and chemical does not automatically mean “bad”. My goal is not to attack whoever wrote that (I honestly didn't even check who it was), but to tell you the truth. Besides, I am sure that person had the best intentions.

I would tell you instead to be wary of diy recipes. They are often made with ingredients that do not belong on your face, such as lemon or toothpaste.

Hope this helps!

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