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Is it Normal To Break out After Using a Chemical Peel?

Chemical Peels have many benefits that correct, improve, and maintain beautiful, healthy glowing skin. Individual results may vary with Chemical Peels. However, there are many advantages to having chemical peels done by a professional. Some significant benefits to doing peels are:

  1. Softening and Reducing the Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  2. Improving Skin Quality and Texture
  3. Improving the look of uneven Skin Pigmentation and Acne Scars

4. Along with evening out skin tone, improving fine lines and wrinkles, some Dermatologists offer chemical peels as part of a comprehensive Acne Treatment program. Chemical peels, when done in conjunction with certain prescribed acne medications, can lessen the skin's production of excess oil while also exfoliating the superficial layers of the skin. Therefore, reducing bacteria and dead skin cells from forming and getting stuck inside pores leading to inflammation and acne breakouts.

Chemical peels encourage skin cell turnover rate to speed up. By speeding up this process, the oil, bacteria and dead skin cells can slough off without getting trapped together and clogging your pores. This constant exfoliation process allows for new skin cells to come to the surface. Therefore, the benefit to speeding up your skin cell turnover rate is that it doesn't allow time for skin pores to get clogged with bacteria and debris. The dirt and excess oil that would otherwise get trapped inside your pores will then be able to slough off the surface of the skin leaving your pores looking acne free. Another benefit to chemical peels is that the acid solutions also help to dry up active acne by dissolving excess sebum (oil) production that your body typically produces during acne. By dissolving the glue that binds together oil and debris, these acidic solutions lessen one's overall excessive oiliness that many acne sufferers also have.

However, if you are using chemical peels for acne, it can still be normal at the beginning of your treatments for your skin to appear worse. Due to part of the exfoliation process that clears out your skin and unclogs your pores the dirt, grind, and dead skin cells that get brought up to the surface of the skin can form blemishes as your skin purges itself from the deeper layers of acne-causing debris. Therefore it can be somewhat common for people to experience tiny breakouts after getting peels done. This "purging" usually subsides after a couple of treatments, and once complete, your skin significantly improves. Skin peeling is a process, and it takes at least a few series of treatments to see a brighter, more radiant complexion.

As an acne treatment, chemical peels usually take at least a few treatments separated about 3 to 4 weeks apart depending on your dermatologist's recommendations for you to see optimal benefits. The skin needs some amount of time to "purge," adjust and renew itself from the peeling process.

Chemical peels can complement other acne treatments as a skin care regimen that a Dermatologist would recommend for Acne Patients. Make sure during the process to not irritate the skin and to make sure to use mild noncomedogenic cleansers and moisturizers as well as wearing a broad spectrum Sunscreen 30 and above daily to maintain and ensure great chemical peel results that can leave your skin looking youthful, clear, glowing, and healthy.

I hope this is helpful if you have any further questions, please ask.

If you want to know more read this book: A Practical Guide to Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion & Topical Products

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