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What Makes Acne So Hard To Get Rid Of?

What makes acne so hard get rid of is the fact that it is a multi factorial inflammation based skin condition. Different people have acne for different reasons, so there isn't a universal cure. A treatment that works for me might not work for you.

Being caused by several different factors experts have developed treatments that focus on each one of these factors without actually comparing them to see which one works the best.

For some people creams are effective while for some other aren’t.

Some people can resolve acne just by working on their diet while some other have a severe hormonal imbalance that needs to be treated with oral medications.

The only thing that all kind of acnes have in common since to be the presence of the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. This is why antibiotics are effective in the treatment of acne especially when associated with creams.

The thing is that treatments don’t work unless you act upon the root of the problem as well.

Acne involves:

  • Genetics.
  • Diet (particularly dairy and chocolate).
  • Immunity mechanisms.
  • Environmental factors (smoking / occlusive cosmetics).
  • Glycemic index .

Let me explain.

The gold standards of topical acne therapy are benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, retinoids, and antibiotics. These treatment will eradicate acne for good ONLY IF associated with a change in diet and environmental factors.

Otherwise acne will come back as soon as you stop taking these medications.

They mitigate how acne manifests itself, but they don’t act at the root of it.

This is why acne treatment is challenging. First, it is difficult to outline the cause of it and second treatments should be associated with lifestyle changes.

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