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How Do Models Keep Their Skin So Clear?

We asked a few people how to How Do Models Keep Their Skin So Clear? and this is their answer.

1. Nicole Grace,

When I worked as a high fashion model, I washed my skin with water only, and kept acne at bay by applying Clean and Clear Persa Gel every few days. I drank a ton of water and ate fruits and veggies to keep my skin bright. I also drank green juice daily for my health. Every week or so, I applied a mixture of crushed up green tea and manuka honey to my face and left it on up to an hour.

This is the biggest booster of glowy happy baby smooth skin, as well as what I’ve recently discovered — Drunk Elephant Baby Facial for 20 minutes. Your skin looks incredible the next day. I’ve also recently discovered using Lush Rehab shampoo all over my face, which makes it look nice and moisturized and bright the next day. Most makeup and facial washes make me break out, so I avoid them altogether.

I also recently discovered an eye cream I’ll have to get you all the name of, which hydrates your undereyes nicely. Back in my modeling days I didn’t need any, but now that I’ve hit 30…give me every cream you’ve got. For good skin, I also recommend just staying out of the sun and wearing hats. The sun ages you and can give some people melasma. My last trick is applying anti-aging hand creme (It’s called Hands and regenerates cells) to my neck, hands, and along places that would typically get wrinkles in the future, and applying sunscreen to your hands every day, which give away age as you get older.

But all in all..I didn’t do much when I was modeling when it comes to skin care. Most of the stuff sold actually doesn’t make it any better. Keeping your skin moisturized, staying out of the sun, and eating well will do the most for your skin. I physically look grey and ashen when I don’t eat well and eat a lot of sugary foods or oats and white bread, really! It makes a big difference. Broccoli especially, apples, blueberries and other rich fruits and veggies will literally make you glow.

I eat them all daily and I can tell in the appearance of my skin when I don’t.

2. Zoe Wright

Most models don’t follow ridiculously expensive and out-there skin routines that take exorbitant amounts of time to complete, because honestly, who the f*ck has the time??

Here’s some habits I picked up when I modelled that have kept me with pretty nice skin (I’m happy with it)!

  1. get into the habit of drinking water! I tend to avoid soft drinks, although I love a good iced tea once in a while, so I keep a bottle of water on me at all times. Aim to surpass 8 glasses a day, or use your pee as a good benchmark: if your urine is almost clear every time you pee, you’re drinking enough water. This one is huge.
  2. Dairy and alcohol are both typical culprits of flare-ups, so cut down on both when you can. A scoop of ice cream and a beer won’t ruin your skin, but I wouldn’t be chugging glasses of milk or throwing back bottles of wine on the regular.
  3. Healthy fats are your skin’s BFF: avocados, olives, fatty fish like salmon (if you eat meat), nuts, and coconut are all great at keep your skin healthy and radiant.
  4. Invest in a good moisturizer and a glycol face mask. Go to your local drugstore and they’ll help you out. Moisturizing around the eyes, on dry forehead patches, and on the neck are skin saving habits you’ll want to keep for the rest of your life. Glycol masks are great for removing any excess oils and dirt from your face!
  5. This one is a personal tip that has saved my ass on many a casting. Got a bad zit that just won’t go away? Put some toothpaste on that bad boy and leave it for as long as you possibly can (overnight is ideal). It will dry the zit out, calm it down, and allow you to put concealer over it with much less difficulty.
  6. Finally, DON’T PICK YOUR ZITS! I know it’s hard, and I can’t say I’m great at keeping this one, but the best way to help skin flare-ups is by not making them even worse!

These skin tips have been very helpful to me, but they don’t hold the same power that photoshop does.

3. Megan Cox

  1. They eat an extremely clean diet with restricted calories. They drink plenty of water and rarely drink alcohol.
  2. They exercise (light exercise - walking and Pilates) at least 3x a week. The sweat is good for your skin.
  3. They see a dermatologist regularly, because their skin is important.
  4. They wear sunscreen every single day.
  5. They probably also go to the spa regularly - at least the models that have already “made it.”
  6. Finally - there's a little rumor that everyone in Hollywood is on a low dose of accutane.

4. Claire Beauchamp

A I R B R U S H I N G!!!

(Photoshopped in 21st Century lingo)

My husband and I went to Munich, Germany for our honeymoon. We stayed in a small hotel where several American fashion models were living. We were appalled at how they looked.

First, they smoked like chimneys. Second, they ate unhealthily like pigeons. Third, they drank coffee and booze like bums. Fourth, they didn't bathe - like Deadheads - we could smell. Fifth, their faces were dotted with acne like pubescent boys.

Some even had cottage cheese butt and/or cauliflower saddle bags. (i.e. cellulite, fat-laden)

We struck up a convo with them in the dining room during breakfast. They were passing around the books of their work.

We perused several books and were stunned at how beautiful these pasty, smelly, dirty, acne-riddled, emaciated girls looked when all made up.

They were not flawless in real life - we could see that clearly. I marveled out loud at the amazing transformations. The girls giggled. They explained that air-brushing worked miracles.

One of them pulled out her pre-airbrushed shots. She still was gorgeous - she had beautiful bone structure, fleshy lips and searing green eyes - but she was far from perfect. She pointed out exactly what had been tweaked in the air-brush process.

The acne was gone. So were some of the large freckles on her face. Her skinny, but flabby arms became lean and muscular. And her cauliflower saddle bags vanished along with the padding on her upper, inner thigh. Both were replaced with a lean, muscular look.

It was fascinating. But after that lesson, I never look at a pic of a model without speculating about what was tweaked.

Don't believe the hype!

5. Theresa Carboh

Short: They don’t

Trust me, as a model myself I’ve seen some girls with the most terrible acne even cystic acne, most of them are young and will grow out of it, but the adult models fall victim to it as well. I don’t have to tell you pictures you see are edited, but I assume you might follow some models on Instagram and wonder how they look flawless in video, short answer to that: they do! Million dollar booking models have access to the best of the best, weekly facials, best skincare product, and a decire to take care of they face. Just like some regular girls have great skin, some models do.

They also eat an incredibly clean diet and some might be on birth control for acne. But even a multi million dollar model like Kendall Jenner has bad acne. So there is no automatic pass to clean skin just because you are a model, it is as individual as girls on the street.

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