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How Long Does it Take For Stretch Marks To Fade?

We asked a few people how to How Long Does it Take For Stretch Marks To Fade? and this is their answer.

1. Jessica Nguyen

This question is really difficult to answer. With time stretch marks can gradually become really light, almost invisible. And according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, stretch marks may vanish completely if its causes are eliminated.

Initially the marks appear as dark colored striations varying from red to brown and glossy in appearance. After some time, these marks fade gradually to become less visible within 6 to 12 months, but the texture of these scars will remain constant, similar to initial stages.

It’s always better to prevent stretch marks from appearing in first place than worrying "do stretch marks go away" later. So try to avoid sudden weight loss or weight gain because stretch marks are a physical response to excessive stretching of tissues and moderate damage to skin fibers leading to scarring of the abdomen skin. The appearance of stretch marks can be attributed to constant contraction and then relaxation of the delicate tissue which results in the loss of flexibility.

Moisturizing skin will help you get rid of those stretch marks faster use type of lotions that contain shea butter and cocoa butter and drink more water! Rubbing Lemon Juice:Lemon possesses astringent properties due to acidic juices. They are widely used in different face wash products for clearing skin and fading marks

2. Bee Openshaw

Depends on all sorts of variables - what skin type, how long you've had them, your age, how bad are They?

Constant use of tissue oil with purcylin (gentle application, you don't want to stretch it more), circular motion with first four fingers till it's soaked in.

Coconut and Shea butter oil.

Seaweed extract, Aloe Vera, carrot and lavender oil.


Some products work better for different people, give whatever you try at least two - three weeks. Take pic now and every week thereafter. Or every four days if you prefer.

If you've used too much, dab off with a microfiber cloth.

3. Andy Dewey

Stretchmarks never disappear completely. They just turn into a pearly shade of your skin tone. Try not to fall for any commercial products, as none of them work deep enough in the skin to "remove" them. Just keep your skin well hydrated

Each person is different, so yours might fade a lot quicker.

4. Gourav Vardhan

Once if you get stretch marks they will never go completely. However you may see many advertisements and creams etc. in the market claiming to remove stretch marks completely but they do not work. Stretch marks come when you lose/gain weight immediately. Even if you lose weight they will not go completely. However in starting they are reddish and soon the reddish color will disappear. And with time they will fade but will not go completely. But you can prevent stretch marks.

For this make you skin stretchable by using some creams etc. and drink a lot of water other than this add vitamin c to diet. Also apply aloe vera to stretch marks to fade them as much as possible.

5. Shirley Woods

The good news is that stretch marks may simply disappear on their own after weight loss or childbirth. If the stretch marks don't go away, they may fade or become less noticeable. Permitting that rapid weight gain stops and prevents your skin from stretching more, you'll notice your marks will fade from deep red or purple to a silvery or white color. With time, they may also become smoother and less deep in appearance.

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