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How To Get Clear Skin in 20 Days?

Getting clear skin in twenty days isn't an extremely unrealistic goal, but depending on what is the issue that is making so your skin isn't clear it might take more than that.

If the problem is acne, you first need to understand what is causing you to have acne in the first place. You can read this answer for more on that: Why is acne so hard to cure?

If you don't have have any serious skin issue, or health/substance abuse problem, these tips should be a good starting point towards clear skin.

  • Apply sunscreen for long sun exposures. Being in the sun is good for your mental health, but make sure your skin is well protected. If you really hate sunscreen you could at least wear a hat or protective clothing.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking.
  • Exercise. Exercise is great for your skin. This is mainly due to the fact that the effort and heat generated increases blood circulation and oxygen supply to the skin, which is clearly visible in reddening of the skin during exercise. More oxygen and nutrients in the skin also mean improved cell growth, which is reflected in an increased renewal rate of the cells. You will look younger with regular training! Furthermore, the increased blood circulation supports the removal of dead skin cells and free radicals.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • High intensity workouts and sweating. Sweating is nothing to be afraid of. However, excessive sweating can make the skin break out, especially if the person is acne-prone. Use a gentle cleanser free from alcohol, fragrance and harsh surfactants to remove any excess (for example a micellar water). Once your skin is all fresh and shiny again, it’s the best time to apply skincare products. In fact, the blood circulation is still increased from the previous workout putting your skin in a state where it is particularly receptive for treatments such as serums and moisturizers.
  • Wash your makeup off carefully. I know there are women out there who only use makeup removing wipes…yikes! I personally think natural oils are the best makeup removers.
  • Make sure you exfoliate, but don't overdo it as it will make your skin look significantly worse. If you want to see what overexfoliated skin looks like just have a look on Google images. You really don't want that! If you exfoliate every day you are definitely overdoing it.
  • Change your pillow case often. All the dirt on your face and hair ends up there, after all.
  • Make sure you are using the right skincare products and in the right quantity. Perhaps you are using cleansers with harsh surfactants that are making your skin dry, or you are exaggerating with your moisturizer and this is making your skin look greasy. Your skin can only absorb so much. You really don't need a lot, especially when it comes to serums or rich moisturizers.
  • This might be too obvious, but take care of your diet! What goes into your body affects the way your skin looks greatly. Processed foods, sugar and gluten are some of the things you might want to avoid.

Now, will following all these tips guarantee you will get clear skin in exactly 20 days?

I can't promise that: as always, it depends on the individual and their skin. It would be deceiving to say otherwise. But implementing even just a few of these tips will certainly help.

I hope this was useful! Let me know if you need some more advice.

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