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Why is my skin dry even though I drink a lot of water?

Drinking a lot of water is not enough to ensure your skin stays hydrated; as always, a multi level approach is best. If your skin type is dry you should drink a lot of water AND use hydrating skincare too.

Besides, do you overwash your skin? Do you overexfoliate it? Do you use skincare that is formulated with drying ingredients?

Make sure you are not doing anything that could make your dry skin worse. You will need to do some research, but it's worth it. (By the way, if you don't know what kind of cleanser to use I would suggest micellar water.)

The best hydrating active ingredient is hyaluronic acid. You should definitely get your hands on a product formulated with HA and use it daily.

Unfortunately a lot of skincare products contain hyaluronic acid in such small % it is simply not effective, so you need to choose your products carefully.

Layering skincare products is a good idea if your skin is extremely dry. You could use a hyaluronic acid serum and a moisturizer on top. Just don't make the mistake of thinking because your skin is so dry you need to use huge amounts of moisturizer…your skin can only absorb so much!
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