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How to Lose Face Fat?

We asked a few people How To Reduce Face Fat? and this is their answer.

1. Monil Shah, Data Scientist

Reducing Face Fat is a myth. There is no spot reduction in the process of reducing fat. You need to lose body fat to get rid of face fat.

First of all , I would like to mention that I reduced body fat which gradually helped me reduce face fat. The entire process took nearly 3–4 months.

Here are few tips regarding the process:

  1. Avoid artificial sugar source. I would suggest following a strict regime of not consuming any artificial sweetener or its substitutes. It means no soda, no packaged juices, having sugarless coffee or tea and avoiding bakery items.
  2. Limit junk food intake. You don’t need to strictly stop consuming all the junk food , being in new york I understand its tough to resist those pizza and burger cravings. For this what worked for me was to limit to one slice of pizza and one burger per week. But this limits depend on each one’s personal cravings.
  3. Maintaining good diet. Diet is the most important aspect while losing fat. Protein is your bae while losing fat. Eating healthy protein rich breakfast , fyi my breakfast included a banana shake(no sugar) with one scoop whey protein and one spoon peanut butter. Along with this, I had an 3 egg white omelette with spinach and black pepper. Providing a heavy source of protein in the morning itself. Lunch and Dinner should be just about making a healthy choice. Just avoid highly fat and carb rich food, make choices with more protein content. Also, make few changes like substituting snacks(cookies,donuts,etc) with greek yogurt, drinking lots of water, including salads especially greens in your everyday diet and consuming super foods.
  4. Limiting or avoiding alcohol consumption. Consuming occasional alcohol once or twice a month shouldn’t be a bigger issue.
  5. Workout. Strength training is as important as doing cardio when losing fat. A balanced workout with a mixture of strength training and cardio for about 1–1.5 hr will help you create required caloric deficit for each day.

There is no extra effort of exercise required for any spot reduction on face. Above process of losing body fat will gradually reduce face fat. Hope this helps.

2. Casey Burnet, Fitness Advisor

When you lose fat you lose it everywhere. If you maintain a decent fitness routine for a few weeks to a month, you will see changes. Dieting is even more effective for dropping pounds if you can cut out one or more of the following: alcohol, sodas, diet sodas, fruit juices, candy, pies, ice cream.

You can replace those drinks with milk and water. I know it sounds boring, but the alternative is you struggle much more with losing weight. I would be surprised if, after cutting all that out, that you didn’t lose at least 5 pounds.

3. Michael Cocchiola, Virginia Tech student

1. There is a lot of research on how hormones tend to store and release fat in different areas. Face fat can be attributed to high cortisol, which is an antagonist to testosterone. Increase your testosterone by eating saturated and monounsaturated fats, healthy carbs and adequate protein (roughly 100-140 grams a day). Keep your calories at maintenance level for you activity (likely your bodyweight x 14) and dont drop too low or cortisol will get too high. As for exercise keep it to lifting weights only for 3-5 days a week. Ditch long distance cardio as this greatly raises cortisol. If you like cardio do Interval training for 10-20 mins or walk.

2. You may have a low body temperature. If you body temperature is always below 98.6, this means your metabolism and thyroid is slow and this leads to the body constantly holding on to water especially in your face. It's basically a survival mechanism. Again the solution is the same as above. Eat enough to support your metabolic rate and increase your body temperature to where it needs to be. The only way to permanently raise your body temperature is eat enough. Exercise raises it, but only for a short period of time.

3. Your body fat is too high. The above is very sound advice, but maybe your thin and still carry a large amount of body fat. Body composition tends to be more favorable when you have more lean mass and less body fat. The information in the first point should help you out with this one as well. If no fat is lost at (calories at BW x 14 then drop to BW X 13).

Hope that helps.

4. Sanford Larsen, student at Dawson College

Others have mentioned weight loss and liposuction. Those are the two ways of truly slenderizing your face.

Another possibility is to use camouflage. You do this through judiciously choosing hair styles, facial hair, hats, shirts, necklaces, and eyeglasses to make your face appear more pleasing to yourself.

A few year ago I acquired a medical condition that makes it difficult for me to exercise. As a result I’ve gained weight, have a largish face, and a double chin.

Here is what I did to make my face more attractive:

  1. I wear a wide brim hat with a fairly high crown that is slightly tapered. There are websites that give advice on styles of hats to wear for different face shapes. That is what got me started choosing hats, and thereafter I discovered what looks best on me. I was surprised to find that even some baseball caps look good on me (surprised because they have neither a high crown nor a wide brim), as long as they are XL in size.
  2. I maintain a short, well groomed goatee. Not only does it hide my double chin when viewed from the front, but draws attention away from it when viewed from the side.
  3. Wearing an appropriate suit would probably help. But I like to dress casually. I wear black tee shirts that are just a bit over-sized to disguise my belly as much as possible. I found that a V neck looks best on me. I think it helps draw attention away from my double chin.
  4. I theorized that a necklace would also draw attention away from my double chin. I tried it and was pleasantly surprised. I had always thought that wearing a necklace was too feminine a thing to do. But now I never go out without one. The ones I like best have wood cylindrical beads of different natural colors strung on them. A beach style, I think. I think they are made in the Philippines.
  5. I don’t need to wear glasses, or sunglasses. But I do look pretty good in some of the sunglasses I’ve bought.
  6. I present myself with confidence, not sheepishly. I had noticed that people who are confident with the way they look come across as looking better. Welcoming others with a nod and a smile makes everybody feel good about themselves.

By the way, for some reason a hat that looks good on me one day doesn’t look so good on another. And vice versa. So if one hat doesn’t look good, I’ll try another. I always find one that works.

5. Susan Tinsley, former Clerical Assistant

I could more easily answer your question if I knew your age. Up to your mid twenties I wouldn't worry about it. Some might consider chubby cheeks attractive or cute. It's a much healthier look than sunken cheeks.

If I were you I would not opt for cosmetic surgery. Chubby cheeks would be the least of my worries. Wearing your hair long and straight with some volume would be flattering. Also choose eye makeup and eyebrows and lip gloss that draw attention to other features to give you a more mature look. Go easy on the blush.

You are probably fortunate in that the little extra flesh on your face might delay the aging process. You might have a wrinkle free complexion when you reach well into your 50s.

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